Kidnap attempt of an IDF soldier thwarted

Kidnap attempt of an IDF soldier thwarted

    "TV vehicle" used by Islamic Jihad terrorists to breach security fence

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)
    At around 1 pm Saturday afternoon (9 June), four terrorists in a car bearing a TV insignia (used by journalists), attempted to breach Israeli territory through the security fence next to Kibbutz Kissufim. The terrorists then opened fire on an IDF outpost which was empty at that time. The terrorists were identified immediately by lookout forces in the area.

    Upon realizing the outpost was empty, three of the terrorists fled back to Palestinian controlled territory. One terrorist who remained at the scene attempted to engage in a shootout with IDF forces and was killed in the exchange of fire. IDF forces uncovered weapons and bullet magazines on his person.

    "IDF forces engaged in fire with the terrorists fleeing the scene," said the Givati Brigade Rotem battalion commander. "The IDF forces prevented the operatives from entering further into Israeli territory. They arrived at the precise location quickly and acted in the proper manner." 

    Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to the Cabinet: "Islamic Jihad terrorists, using a vehicle camouflaged with television insignia, attempted to infiltrate Israel at the Kissufim junction by taking advantage of the special sensitivity of a country which upholds democratic values by allowing the media to function with freedom and independence in the most sensitive of areas. This was not the first attempt in recent weeks in which terrorist organizations have attempted to perpetrate attacks by taking advantage of Israel’s respect for basic moral norms. The government and the security establishment view this incident with utmost gravity. As I stated last week, operations in the Gaza Strip will continue as long as necessary, in the relevant contexts, in order to prevent terrorist activities and attempts to infiltrate into Israel and attack its citizens, and to prevent Kassam rocket fire against Sderot and the communities adjacent to the Gaza Strip.”

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    Foreign Press Association condemns use of TV-marked vehicle (9 June 2007)

    "The FPA condemns today's use of a vehicle marked with TV insignia in an attack against IDF positions at Kissufim.

    Armoured vehicles marked with TV are an invaluable protection for genuine journalists working in hostile environments. The FPA has long campaigned for the continued availability of armoured vehicles for its members, despite official opposition in some quarters.

    Today's abuse of this recognised protection for the working journalist is a grave development and we condemn those that carried it out.

    Such an incident will reduce the protection offered by marked vehicles.

    We will continue to campaign for the legitimate use of these vehicles for our members, a job no doubt made more complicated by today's incident."

    Foreign Press Association in Israel